Ironically Drained | Living Arts 24 Hour Film Race (2017)


In today's world, happiness can be hard to find. But one woman leaves a dying gift for her brother; a roadmap that will allow him to find peace if he is brave enough to begin the journey.

Our oh-so-fancy makeup and wardrobe.

Our oh-so-fancy makeup and wardrobe.

In terms of temperature, my team was cursed during yesterday's 24 Hour Film Race.

Our first shooting location was an abandoned warehouse, so we expected that to be cold. Then we grabbed a quick outdoors shot (4am, 30 degrees, plus a painfully cold wind were great motivators to get the shot done in one take!).

Trying to stay warm in between scenes.

Trying to stay warm in between scenes.

Our next location was a house undergoing renovations. It was supposed to have heat, but when we arrived (it was 5am at that point) we discovered the heater wasn't working. Hmm.

An hour later we were off to a different house, which was to be our final shooting spot as well as where we would do voiceover and editing. We eagerly turned on the heat, hoping to thaw out our fingers and toes, only to smell gas blowing in from the heating unit. A line had broken and unless we wanted to die from carbon monoxide poisoning, we were forced to open the windows and let a cold morning wind blow through the house. So as soon as I finished my last scene, I jumped into this pair of carhartts and didn't take them off until we were done! Despite the chilly conditions, I had a crazy amount of fun on yesterday's shoot. It helped that I had the best team in the world <3 

Filmmorgan krueger