Sheetz Shweepstakes | Commercial


My first audition after signing with Smith Young Talent was a commercial audition for Sheetz. The self-tape instructions were vague, only telling me that I was at my little brother's birthday party. So I played the uber-excited older sister. I was delighted to get a callback and drove up to North Carolina to visit Corrigan & Johnston Casting. I walked in, all excited — and was told that my character was actually super bored and hated being at her brother's birthday party. So I did a complete180 and walked out feeling like I did okay but didn’t book it. Fast forward to the next day and my agent calls me to tell me that I booked the role! My VERY FIRST audition with SYT, no less! I got to spend three days doing what I love with the best crew and FABULOUS co-stars. Seriously, Sterling, Dara, and Andrew, y'all were amazing to hang with. 

Commercialmorgan krueger